
Department of Transportation
Extra-Legal Permit Office
4201 E. Arkansas Ave. Suite 124
Denver, Colorado, 80222
T: (303) 757-9539
(800) 350-3765

Hours of Business

7:30 AM - 4:30 PM (Mountain time) ESCORTS


Escort Requirements based on height

On height, consult state prior to move. On designated highways: heights up to 14'6" are legal. On non-designated highways: height limits are 13'. A height pole shall be run by the front escort when load exceeds 16' unless otherwise advised by permit. Height pole shall not extend more than 6" above the maximum height of extra-legal vehicle or load.

Escort Requirements based on length

  • One pilot car escort required in front when the vehicle or load is greater than 85' in length and traveling on mountainous two-lane routes and highways designated with hash marks.
  • One pilot car escort required in front when the vehicle or load is greater than 110' in length and traveling on all other two-lane highways.
  • One pilot car escort is required in rear when load is greater than 115' in length and travelling on all four lane highways.

Escort Requirements for overhang

  • If the Overhang is more than 15' in the front, the Pilot Escort Vehicle shall travel in the front.
  • If the Overhang is more than 25' in the rear, the Pilot Escort Vehicle shall travel in the rear.

Escort requirements based on width (Colorado has very specific color-coded routes which indicate pilot needs)

Red Routes

An extra-legal vehicle or load that exceeds 8'6" in width requires a chapter 6 special permit.

Blue Routes

  • An extra-legal vehicle or load that exceeds 8'6" but does not exceed 11' in width requires one pilot car in the front.
  • An extra-legal vehicle or load that exceeds 11' but does not exceed 13' in width requires one pilot car in the front and one pilot car in the rear.
  • An extra-legal vehicle or load that exceeds 13' in width requires a chapter 6 special permit.

Yellow Routes

  • An extra-legal vehicle or load that exceeds 11 feet but does not exceed 13 feet in width requires one pilot car in the front.
  • An extra-legal vehicle or load that exceeds 13 feet but does not exceed 15 feet in width requires one pilot car in the front and either one pilot car or one flashing yellow light in the rear.
  • An extra-legal vehicle or load that exceeds 15 feet in width requires a chapter 6 special permit.

Green Routes

  • An extra-legal vehicle or load that exceeds 13 feet but does not exceed 15 feet in width requires one pilot car in the front on a two-lane highway.
  • An extra-legal vehicle or load that exceeds 13 feet but does not exceed 15 feet in width requires either one pilot car or one flashing yellow light in the rear on a four-lane highway.
  • An extra-legal vehicle or load that exceeds 15 feet but does not exceed 17 feet in width requires one pilot car in the front and either one pilot car or one flashing yellow light in the rear on a two-lane highway.
  • An extra-legal vehicle or load that exceeds 15 feet but does not exceed 17 feet in width requires one pilot car or one flashing yellow light in the rear on a four-lane highway.
  • An extra-legal vehicle or load that exceeds 17 feet in width requires a chapter 6 special permit.

White Routes

  • An extra-legal vehicle or load that exceeds 15 feet but does not exceed 17 feet in width requires either one pilot car or one flashing yellow light in the rear.
  • An extra-legal vehicle or load that exceeds 17 feet in width requires a chapter 6 special permit.


Superloads are a combination vehicle with a weight of 500,000 lbs. or more that occupies two lanes to haul, or an unladen combination vehicle with an expandable dual-lane transport trailer that occupies two lanes. An applicant for a super-load permit must provide the department of transportation with documentation, acceptable to the department of transportation, from a third party establishing the gross weight of the load. The driver shall carry the documentation in the vehicle during the permitted move and produce, upon request, the documentation for any state agency or law enforcement personnel.

Escort vehicle requirements can differ significantly by state in terms of mandatory driver qualifications, training, certifications, vehicle weights, obligatory signage/flags/lighting, necessary onboard equipment, and more. The ODS team can provide you with all additional requirements specific to your route.
